Psychological Safety

Imagine a team where fear-mongering, witch hunts, and power plays are replaced by an environment where people feel safe to speak their minds. But this isn’t a festival of hippy delusion, hiding in the corner from reality. In this rarefied atmosphere, team members dare to take risks, knowing they won’t be fed to the wolves for making a mistake.

No more cowering under the fluorescent lights, terrified that one misstep will send you spiraling into the corporate abyss. Instead, you’re free to spit out the wild ideas, the half-baked solutions, the brilliant flashes of madness that just might save the day.

This is the breeding ground for innovation, the Petri dish where collaboration and creativity thrive without the usual toxins of shame and fear. Edmundson’s psychological safety is a concept that can form the bedrock of a team that can actually get something done, especially something creative, without descending into a bloodbath of egos.

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Alignment gap, Empowered execution, Leadership

Clausewitz and the Alignment Gap


Katzenbac And Smith. Part 2: The Anatomy of High-Performance Teams


Napoleon’s Leadership Competency Matrix

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